On January 24, 2011, the ISKF accepted the resignation of Mr. Frank Woon-A-Tai. He has been a member of our ISKF family for a very long time. Fortunately, it is not often that a long-standing member chooses to leave our ISKF and it is never a pleasant occurrence. We have always been an open, democratic organization with open communication. This is what makes us different from other Martial Arts organizations, and this is what contributes to our constant growth. However, occasionally with growth comes an occurrence that may be misunderstood or confusing. As all of you are aware, the ISKF has grown rapidly since our independence from the JKA. And as Okazaki Shihan always says, although the ISKF has no major problems there are always growing pains. Master Okazaki has always held steadfast is doing his best to preserve the values and tradition of his instructor – our founder, Master Gichin Funakoshi. And although he is always open to new ideas to move forward, the ISKF will do so while maintaining the integrity and consistency of our organization for all its members. We are happy to say, a great majority of our Canadian family have chosen to remain with the ISKF. We understand this may be a difficult time for some, however, this is why Okazaki Shihan stresses to his members, if you understand and follow the Dojo Kun and Niju Kun, everything else in life will fall into place. The following are the minutes from the meeting that was held at ISKF Headquarters in Philadelphia, PA with Mr. Frank Woon-A-Tai, the Shihankai and others as you will see in the minutes.