The ISKF is a non-profit organization established in 1977. The ISKF encourages the sound development of its members so that they may benefit physically, morally, and spiritually from the art of karate. The association also aims to promulgate, perpetuate, and improve true karate-do throughout the world.
There are many benefits to joining the ISKF. Membership allows the members of a dojo access to the best instruction, and the highest-level instructors. Members may participate in Camps, Seminars, and Tournaments sponsored by the ISKF throughout the world, and clubs are eligible to invite senior instructors for examinations and seminars. Members may test for rank by an official ISKF examiner only.
All club directors or instructors must be Nidan (2nd degree black belt) and above, and officially registered within the ISKF. All club applications are subject to approval by the Chairman and Chief Instructor of the ISKF. If you are interested in becoming affiliated with the ISKF, please contact the ISKF Headquarters directly.
The Instructor Trainee Program is the official instructor-training program of the ISKF. The program is open to registered members who are at least 22 years of age or older, and Nidan or above. Trainee classes are held once a month at each Regional Headquarters.
For successful completion of the program trainees must meet the following criteria:
All interested individuals should check with their Regional Director before applying to the Instructor Trainee Program. Additional rules and regulations of the Instructor Trainee Program are specified in the Instructor Trainee Manual attained upon joining the program.
Initiation Fee $100.00 Annual Fee $ 80.00 Due with application $180.00
Officially approved by the ISKF Chief Instructor & ISKF Technical Committee
The Instructor, Examiner and Judge Qualification Registration forms must be sent to your Regional Director along with the appropriate registration fees. (See your Regional Director for the amount). If this is a new registration, and the exam has not yet been completed and passed, the registration fees ALONG WITH THE EXAM FEE should be submitted upon registration for the event you will be taking the exam.We build the real value
The ISKF will evaluate all qualification registration requests for approval and issuance of registration numbers. Qualification certificates will be issued to the Regional Director for delivery to the instructor or student.
The Instructor, Examiner and Judge Qualification Registration forms must be sent to your Regional Director along with the appropriate registration fees. (See your Regional Director for the amount). If this is a new registration, and the exam has not yet been completed and passed, the registration fees ALONG WITH THE EXAM FEE should be submitted upon registration for the event you will be taking the exam.
The ISKF will evaluate all qualification registration requests for approval and issuance of registration numbers. Qualification certificates will be issued to the Regional Director for delivery to the instructor or student.
The original request form (only 1) must be accompanied by one passport-size photograph stapled to each Dan registration form along with the appropriate registration fee and an official ISKF Passport. These materials should be sent to your REGIONAL DIRECTOR OR EXAMINER.
Registration fees should be remitted in the form of a certified check, money order, or bank draft in U.S. dollars, and made payable to the ISKF (International Shotokan Karate Federation). Personal checks are not acceptable.
All Dan ranking is registered with the International Shotokan Karate Federation. The ISKF will evaluate all registration requests for approval and issuance of registration numbers. Dan certificates will be issued to the Regional Director for delivery to the instructor or student.
Individuals who passed the Dan Exam must pay the Dan registration fees within 6 months of passing for their new dan rank to be valid.
Please send these fees to ISKF Headquarters along with a completed Dan Registration Form.
Bahrain |
Canada |
Israel |
Lebanon |
New Zealand |
Saudi Arabia |
United Arab Emirates |
Algeria |
France |
Peru |
Argentina |
Georgia |
Philippines |
Australia |
Germany |
Romania |
Belarus |
Greece |
Russia |
Belgium |
India |
Saudi Arabia |
Bolivia |
Iran |
Spain |
Brazil |
Italy |
Sult. of Oman |
Brunei |
Mexico |
Switzerland |
Chile |
Moldavian Republic |
Ukraine |
Colombia |
Nepal |
Costa Rica |
lNew Zealand |
Uruguay |
England |
Panama |
Bahamas |
Ethiopia |
St. Vincent |
Barbados |
Guyana |
Sri Lanka |
Belize |
Haiti |
Tanzania |
Botswana |
Jamaica |
Trinidad |
British Virgin Islands |
Mauritius |
Turks & Caicos Islands |
Burundi |
Nicaragua |
Venezuela |
Cayman Islands |
Nigeria |
Zanzibar |
Dominican Republic |
South Africa |
Zimbabwe |
4782 Ludlow Street
Philadelphia, PA 19139 U.S.A.
Tel: 215-222-9382
Copyright @ 2024 ISKF