New Countries Join ISKF

March 2008, Uruguay joined the ISKF. The chief instructor for the ISKF Uruguay is Mr. Edgardo Auza. We are very pleased to have them as part of our ISKF international family.

Master Camp 2008 will be very exciting with the attendance of members from all of these new countries. They have all agreed to participate in our Master Camp for the International Board of Directors Meeting and they have all reported to us how excited they and their members are to train with their new ISKF family under such wonderful instruction not to mention the opportunity to participate in the International Goodwill Tournament at Master Camp. We are also very excited to meet and welcome them and show them how fortunate we all are to be part of such a great, traditional Shotokan organization under the guidance of Master Teruyuki Okazaki. After all, he is one of only a handful of students still teaching who studied directly with Master Gichin Funakoshi.

The future of the ISKF is sure to prosper and grow with the sharing of ideas, cultures and techniques with our expanding ISKF family. This is what Master Funakoshi wanted for the future of Shotokan karate, to share it with the world and this is the goal Master Okazaki has successfully spent his entire life working for.

ISKF International Championships

On February 17, 2008 the Philippines will hold the first Okazaki Cup hosted by Mr. David Lay and ISKF Philippines.

ISKF International Goodwill Championship will be held at the ISKF Master Camp, which is June 6th – 13th, 2008. All Master Camp attendees, regardless of rank or affiliation are invited to participate as long as they attend the Master Camp.

The first ISKF World Shoto Cup will be held October 10th – 13th, 2008. This world championship will be hosted by Mr. Woon-A-Tai and the ISKF/Canada.

New Countries Join ISKF

New countries have been contacting ISKF Headquarters to join and be part of our growing, international organization. In July of 2007, Sri Lanka joined the ISKF and on October 24th – 31st, 2008 Mr. Gary Swain (6th Dan and ISKF Technical Committee member) will be visiting there to conduct a clinic and exams.

August 2007 marked the joining of our new group in South Africa. Mr. San Pillay and many of his members as already scheduled to visit our ISKF Master Camp this June.

October 2007 the Philippines became full members of the ISKF bringing over 200 members with them. Okazaki Shihan will be visiting the Philippines February 12th – 19th, 2008 to conduct seminars, exams and attend the first Okazaki Cup.

In January of 2008, Kuwait and Romania also joined our international family. Our new friends from Kuwait will be visiting ISKF Headquarters in May as well as attending our ISKF Master Camp in June.

ISKF Countries/Regions Re-Organize

With the independence from the JKA, a few members opted to remain with the JKA. However, the majority elected to remain ISKF and helped to re-organize so that the members in their countries/regions could continue to appreciate the many benefits of being an ISKF member. This included Venezuela, now under the direction of Mr. Ronald Pedreanez. Mr. Pedreanez has been working diligently to assure that the growth of the ISKF in Venezuela will continue.

In the US, our Southern, South Atlantic and Western regions have also been restructured by long- standing members who wished to remain ISKF. In the Southern Region, Dr. J-D Swanson is maintaining that region along with the guidance of Mr. Leon Sill. In the South Atlantic Region, Dr. Kim Koo, is continuing the direction there. And in the Western Region, Mr. Chuck Coburn is the director. Mr. Coburn will be hosting the 2008 ISKF/Western Special Spring Camp, which will include seminars and dan exams. The guest instructor will be Master Yutaka Yaguchi and Sensei James Field.



BKA Nationals 2009(1)-2


ISKF Headquarters

222 South 45th Street
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104 U.S.A.
Tel: 215-222-9382

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